The Conlan Company

Uses the Procore integration and Public Forms to streamline subcontractor data

“I have to tone the guys down because I hear them all the time saying, ‘Can we just get a form and QR code for this and that?’
– Janeen Sheard, Director of Information Services, The Conlan Company


The Conlan Company needed a digital form solution integrated with Procore to centralize data collection and facilitate seamless collaboration between subcontractors and owners.


Utilizing GoFormz integrated with Procore and automation, The Conlan Company achieves significant time savings, centralizes record-keeping, streamlines communication, and elevates processes and productivity.


  • Uses QR code form sharing to streamline collaboration and communication
  • Utilizes the GoFormz and Procore integration to centralize record-keeping
  • Automatic email notifications streamline approval processes
  • Achieves significant time savings via online forms

Digital Form Type


Orientation Packets

Hot Work Permits

Equipment Checklists

Sign up for a 14-day free trial of GoFormz

About The Conlan Company

The Conlan Company, a general contractor with corporate offices in Atlanta, Georgia, Jacksonville, Florida, and Dallas, Texas, specializes in constructing industrial facilities. They excel in building data centers, interior tenant build-outs, and manufacturing facilities.

Going Digital

Before GoFormz, the Conlan Company was entirely reliant on paper. “We had manual, paper forms that we needed to fill out,” explained Janeen Sheard, Director of Information Services for The Conlan Company. “We ended up moving into Procore because it was a great place to centralize everything and we needed the ability to have everyone in one place to collaborate.” After becoming familiar with Procore, The Conlan Company discovered GoFormz. “We discovered GoFormz through Procore,” explained Sheard. “The beautiful thing about GoFormz was how easy it was to use once set up.”

QR Code Frenzy

GoFormz is primarily used by The Conlan Company’s field crew. “It’s primarily people in the field that are using GoFormz,” explained Sheard. “We use it for everyday safety requirements and forms we need subcontractors and vendors to fill out.” The team eagerly adopted GoFormz. “The team loves it,” explained Sheard. “I have to tone the guys down because I hear them all the time saying, ‘Can we just get a form and QR code for this and that?’” The Conlan Company utilizes QR codes to share forms that can be easily completed online, even without a GoFormz license. “The QR codes have really simplified things and made everything so much easier, faster, and smoother for us,” explained Sheard. “All they have to do is scan a QR code, complete the form, and then that form gets routed directly into a project folder in Procore.”

“All they have to do is scan a QR code, complete the form, and then that form gets routed directly into a project folder in Procore.”

– Janeen Sheard, Director of Information Services, The Conlan Company

The Digital Form Evolution

The first form The Conlan Company digitized was their orientation packet. “Our first initial forms in GoFormz were our orientation packages,” explained Sheard. The Conlan Company quickly began to see the benefits of transitioning their daily forms into GoFormz. “We moved our day-to-day forms, like our hot work permits and JHA’s into GoFormz,” explained Sheard. “These forms have to be filled out from the job site every single day.”

Additionally, The Conlan Company uses equipment checklists. “We also have a digital equipment checklist that we have to bring to the site every day to fill out and complete for safety measures,” explained Sheard. The Conlan Company has QR code placards printed and attached to equipment, empowering field teams to rapidly access and complete documents directly from the job site. “They are attached to the piece of equipment and then any worker can scan it and complete the form. It saves so much time!”

The Conlan Company also utilizes GoFormz for completing Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) procedures. “The most complicated form we have built out is our JHA,” explained Sheard. With the help of the GoFormz Professional Services team, The Conlan Company offers subcontractors the option to either upload their own JHA within the form using the File Attachment field or complete the provided one. “In the form, we give the subcontractor the ability to upload their own JHA and not fill out ours or they can fill ours out,” explained Sheard. “What’s nice about this process is that it still goes to the same place and gets routed to the superintendent. He can look at it, reject it, or sign off on it all in the same workflow.”

The Procore Integration

A majority of the data The Conlan Company collects is safety-related. “Most of that information feeds right back into Procore,” explained Sheard. “Everything that is in GoFormz has a corresponding document and Procore object.”

This integration has helped centralize record-keeping, eliminate data re-entry, and streamline collaboration. “GoFormz was very helpful when we created an authorized GoFormz signer group for each project, which enabled us to build workflows that referenced those people over and would know who to send the email to,” explained Sheard. “Now they just have to click a link and go straight to it and not worry about it.”

This integration workflow has proven to be advantageous to The Conlan Company team. “This is especially helpful when the superintendent signs off on all the information. It takes the full PDF copy and adds that document into a specific path,” explained Sheard. “So if a superintendent needed to go in and look through all the JHA’s for one company, he could just go straight into the documents, see that they are all listed by company, and hop around from one to the next and find things easily.”

Automated Processes

The Conlan Company has a variety of automations running in the background. “With GoFormz, someone from our company doesn’t have to go get something and walk someone through it,” explained Sheard. “It’s just readily available and GoFormz provides a platform to make it easy.” Leveraging automatic email notifications, communication is now streamlined. “We have automatic email routing set up so the superintendents know they have documents to approve,” explained Sheard. Before GoFormz, this automated process was extremely manual. “We had forms that were provided to the superintendents and they would either write in or fill out what they were doing, send a PDF email that they had to fill out and send back, then the superintendent would have to make their way through all that paperwork.”

“Someone from our company doesn’t have to go get something and walk someone through it. It’s just readily available and GoFormz provides a platform to make it easy.”

– Janeen Sheard, Director of Information Services, The Conlan Company

Benefits and Results

The top benefit the Conlan Company has achieved with GoFormz is document visibility. “GoFormz gives us a great avenue to see anything,” explained Sheard. “Safety directors can look and see who’s doing what they need to be doing. They can see which subcontractors aren’t getting their JHA’s in and they know exactly who to call. It’s a very good system to discover and make sure everyone is staying on top of safety.”

The Conlan Company has also experienced significant time savings. “I would say our time savings has been pretty significant and now we have the ability for our subcontractors to fill out JHA’s before they even get to the job site,” explained Sheard. “It’s so much better for us. The superintendent used to have to sit everyone down and now he just has to review the forms.” Trevor Rater, Information Systems Administrator for The Conlan Company, added, “One of our superintendents said that before the QR codes, he would have to spend an hour and a half to two and a half hours of his day just organizing, reviewing, and getting all the paperwork back from every single person on a large job site. That process now only takes him twenty to thirty minutes.”

“One of our superintendents said that before the QR codes, he would have to spend an hour and a half to two and a half hours of his day just organizing, reviewing, and getting all the paperwork back from every single person on a large job site. That process now only takes him twenty to thirty minutes.”

– Trevor Rater, Information Systems Administrator, The Conlan Company