Create a Template for your digital form

Create a Template for your digital form in our drag-and-drop builder. You can digitize an existing form or start from scratch – no code required. Follow these step-by-step instructions and best practices for building a form Template.

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What is a Template?

Forms are generated from Templates. A Template is essentially a blueprint for your digital document. You use your Template to define your digital document’s formatting, data fields, and features. Once your Template is set up, you can use it to generate forms to fill out.

invoice signature image, a map field, and an electronic signature.

How to create a Template for your form

1. Upload a PDF or JPG of your form

Upload an existing form (or start from scratch) in the GoFormz Template Editor.

2. Drag-and-drop fields onto your Template

Add data fields (like images, text, and eSignatures) and basic design elements (like logos) to your Template.

3. Customize formatting, logic, and features

Configure formatting (like the color and font of your fields), add requirements and conditional logic, and more.

Learn how to fill out forms from your Template

Add powerful features to your Template

Pre-fill form fields with information

Configure key fields to instantly populate with information when a new form is generated – accelerating form completion and eliminating opportunities for missing or incorrect data.

invoice signature image, a map field, and an electronic signature.
Custom reports with your most relevant form data.

Publish updates to your Templates at any time

Updating your digital form Templates is easy. With Template Versioning, form builders can easily publish updates to existing Templates, without impacting previously collected data or forms.

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Digital Form Template FAQs

What is the difference between a form and Template?
Forms are individual instances of a digital document, generated from Templates. Templates act as a blueprint for your digital document, used to define its formatting, data fields, and features. Forms are generated from a Template and filled out with information in the GoFormz mobile and web applications.
Can I download a fillable version of my form Template?
No, you cannot download a fillable version of your form Template. To fill out a form using your Template, use our mobile or web applications to generate and fill out a form.
How do I build a Template from scratch?
Log in to GoFormz from a computer and open the Template Editor. If you do not have an existing form to upload, you can start from scratch in our List View builder. In List View, you can build out your form as an index of fields organized in sections and tabs.
How do I use my Template to fill out a form?
Forms are unique instances of a digital document, generated from a Template. You can generate and fill out forms in the GoFormz mobile app or online using our web application.